+ Quality Custom Manufacturing


Vaccine Implant
Delivery System

Free Kit

1. Order the Kit

2. Three Days Later, Kit Arrives

3. Collect Herd Samples & Ship
(Postage paid by CT)
Let's Talk

We manage each account personally and work for you throughout the process from start to finish. We are ready to help you with diagnostics results, isolate management, product forecasting, non-adjacent paperwork, inventory management, and much more.
Swine Health

As new diseases emerge and pathogenic organisms adapt to the environment, we are working on products that can be used to help you respond to the new challenges in swine health. For a list of diseases we are typically dealing with click here.
Bovine Health

As new diseases emerge and pathogenic organisms adapt to the environment, we are working on products that can be used to help you respond to the new challenges in bovine health. For a list of diseases we are typically dealing with click here.
Technical Information
Look here for information on disease issues facing veterinarians and livestock producers and what Cambridge is doing to help.


Diagnostic Databridge
Bridging the gap between Clinic, Veterinarian, and Diagnostic testing results using secure cloud-based storage, and giving you the tools for a proactive approach to herd health management. Click here to get started.
Next Generation Diagnostics + Quality Custom Manufacturing

Cambridge Technologies uses Precision Vaccinology®, a combination of Next Generation Diagnostics and Quality Custom Manufacturing, to help veterinarians find solutions to herd health problems.
It starts in our full-service diagnostics laboratory, featuring next generation sequencing, to identify ALL virus and bacterial pathogens in samples from a herd, including new and emerging diseases or strains. We use the data to select the best candidates for a herd-specific vaccine which we custom manufacture for the veterinarian with formulations optimized to meet your specific needs. Our goal is to identify emerging pathogens, prevent diseases they may cause, and reduce dependence on antibiotics.
From Start to Finish
The Precision Vaccinology® process is designed to give veterinarians the information and tools needed to solve the unique and ever-changing disease problems facing herds in their care. We have experienced personnel and advanced technologies to manage this entire process for you.
Disease Challenges
Diagnostic Submissions
Next Generation Diagnostics
Customer Support
Ongoing Partnerships
Why Autogenous?
Why Choose Cambridge?
Research &
Manufacturing Herd Health Solutions
Customer Support Who Works for You
The DNA of Us
Our success is measured as a team. We are different parts working as a whole with a shared common goal: Providing veterinarians with the best possible diagnostics, manufacturing, and service to help them manage existing and emerging animal health problems. Get to know the people of Cambridge.
Research & Diagnostics
The experienced Research and Diagnostics team is a full-service diagnostics lab utilizing the latest in next-generation sequencing and molecular diagnostics.
Our manufacturing team has many
years of experience in adapting
formulations to meet your specific
needs and creates USDA-Approved Bacterial and Viral Products.
Customer Support & Admin
Customer support and administration is focused on the customer and making your experience with Cambridge Technologies a positive one.
Most calf raisers give nine to fourteen injections before day 60 of age in a calf. I can take it down to one. That’s a no-brainer.
We had such a serious salmonella problem that when we first got the SoliDose vaccine, we gave 2,000 doses to the entire milking herd – and they barely skipped a beat. I was very impressed with the low endotoxins and how the product really did an amazing job of shutting down the problem.
In a veterinary practice, our job is to enhance animal health and reduce client costs, and we like to see those results. They (Cambridge) aren’t MBAs trying to drive the bottom line. They’re trying to maximize animal health. They enjoy doing that.
From the get-go, when we got that first batch, we haven’t really looked back. It’s simple and the quality is, I think, outstanding. It’s really been a good tool for our clients to be able to give them a single-dose autogenous and has the technology to not have to get the cattle back in/off of pasture to give them a second dose.