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Diagnostic Databridge

Bridging the gap between Clinic, Veterinarian, and Diagnostic testing results using secure cloud-based storage, and giving you the tools for a proactive approach to herd health management.

Key Points

  • Paperless Database

    Having all of your Cambridge Dx information in one digital location saves you time and resources

  • Management Tools

    Easily notify the lab of incoming samples, check the status of any test, and search and sort information

  • Custom Reporting

    • Isolate reports
    • Vaccine product profiles
    • Diagnostic testing summary
    • Unique reports designed specifically for you

    All reports will be generated by the request of the customer and uniquely designed and customized by our experts.

  • It's FREE!

Custom Report Request Form

  • Portal FAQ

Simply go to and fill out the form as a Staff Veterinarian.  Once that is filled out and submitted, you will receive an email stating that we’ve received your request for Databridge portal access and we will send your initial account password.  Once you have that initial password, you can go to and log in using your email address and the initial password that you were emailed.  When logging on for the first time, you will be required to change your password from the initial password that was emailed to you to a password of your choosing.

If you forget the password to your Databridge portal account you can send an email to and within 24 hours you will receive a response with a new password that you will be required to change at your next login to the Databridge portal. You can also contact customer service at 877-298-1321 during normal business hours for immediate assistance.

If you need to change the email address to your Databridge portal account you can send an email to and within 24 hours you will receive a response notifying you that your email address has been changed on the Databridge portal. You can also contact customer service at 877-298-1321 during normal business hours for immediate assistance.

When you log in to your Databridge portal account, you will see your diagnostic cases, case status, Precision Vaccinology™ sequencing reports and you will also be able to alert the Cambridge diagnostic lab of your incoming sample submission.

We recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, which is free for install from Adobe ( You can click the link and then follow the instructions on their site.  We recommend unchecking all the highlighted boxes related to Chrome extensions or optional offers similar to the graphic shown below before clicking Install Now:

No, you will only be able to see diagnostic cases and/or reports that you have submitted to Cambridge Technologies Diagnostics Lab.  If there is a need to have someone within your office be able to see all reports and/or cases submitted by your company, please see Question #7 about why you should sign up an Office Manager.

When you sign up an Office Manager account with the Databridge portal, the account will be able to see ALL cases and/or reports that are submitted by ALL veterinarians for your company.

Your diagnostic preliminary and/or final report(s) will be emailed to you by our customer service personnel, as it has already been set up. If you are a new customer, please contact customer service to let them know your preferred email contact and preferred method of delivery (fax or hard copy). You can also contact customer service at 877-298-1321 during normal business hours for immediate assistance. 

Databridge portal is supported by both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 11 and higher. Other Internet browsers may also work but have not been fully tested with all features of the Databridge portal.

Open either Google Chrome or Internet Explorer and go to and click on Databridge. Once you are at the portal login page, hold down your Ctrl key and strike the D key on your keyboard. This will start the process of adding either a Google Chrome bookmark or an Internet Explorer favorite site.

No, you will have to log in to the Databridge Customer portal to access your diagnostic results or contact customer service.  Please contact them by calling 877-298-1321 or emailing

At this time, this feature is not available, but we have various reports that your Cambridge Technologies Customer Service representative would be happy to create for you.  Please contact them by calling 877-298-1321 or emailing

When signed on to your Databridge account, click the “Add Request” button and complete the fields. Watch the short video for more information.

If you cannot find your question in this list, simply send an email with your question to and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible with an answer.


  • Historical data already uploaded (current customers)

  • Test status

  • Submission notification to D-lab

  • Cloud based – easy access from anywhere

  • Paperless database to store all your information

      • Dx submissions
      • Final results
      • Sequencing reports
      • Dx Invoices
      • Vaccine Strains

  • Search & Sorting information for easier case management

      • Date of submission
      • Herd of origin
      • Submitting vet
      • Case #
      • Vaccine products
      • Isolates in or not in vaccines
      • Expiring isolates

  • Custom reports generated on request

      • Isolate reports
      • Vaccine product profiles
      • Diagnostic testing summary
      • Unique reports designed specifically for you

      All reports will be generated by the request of the customer and uniquely designed and customized by our experts.

Diagnostic Databridge

Training Videos

Dashboard Overview

Submitting Samples

Searching and Sorting